Week of Workouts: October 2017

Hi friends! Today is the second-to-last day of October so I figured I should pop in and share a recap of a week of workouts for this month before it’s over and I’m too late. (I’ll be back with my usual weekend recap tomorrow.) This Weekly Workouts series allows me to share what I’m up to in the gym with you guys and reminds me of the good ol’ days when I used to have the time to pop in and share my workouts every single day. Now that life doesn’t allow me to blog that way anymore, I still want to occasionally give you guys a peek into my workouts, so I created this series! You can always catch up with past workouts you may have missed by checking out previous Weekly Workouts.

October Workouts

Last week’s workouts were a little heavy on strength training but also included yoga, a sweaty incline walking workout and two rest days. If you’re curious about a particular workout, I’ve included detailed descriptions of the workouts below the images. If anything is confusing, please let me know and I’ll definitely clarify.

Week of Workouts

Monday: Biceps / Triceps / Shoulders Strength Workout + Gentle Yoga

Biceps Triceps Shoulders Workout

I love it when Burn Boot Camp begins the week with with an upper body strength workout. I’m rarely in the mood for intense cardio after the weekend so I was pumped when I showed up at the gym and a biceps/triceps/shoulder workout was on the agenda. To complete this workout, we began with a quick warm up that included three exercises (jumping jacks, walkouts, triceps pushups) that we performed for 30 seconds each for three rounds. The “meat” of the workout (detailed above) was my favorite kind of workout and incorporated biceps, triceps and shoulder strength exercises. We were encouraged to lift heavy and if breaks were needed during each one-minute stretch, we shook out our arms for a second and got right back in it. I had to miss the finisher of this workout so it was a shorter-than-usual BBC day for me!

I actually also ended up taking a yoga class on Monday evening. It’s been a while since I’ve taken yoga and my body needed it. The Monday evening class I love doesn’t feel at all like a workout (I don’t even sweat) and it’s more like a deep stretch class. It felt amazing!

Tuesday: Rest (3 Mile Walk)

walking outside

I took an unplanned rest day from the gym on Tuesday because I wanted to soak up a bit of fall fun with Chase and took him to a local farm for a mother-son morning date. I ended up getting some activity in at the end of the day when Ryan, Chase, Sadie and I went for a three-mile walk around the neighborhood before dinner.

Wednesday: Leg Day

burn boot camp leg day

Wednesday’s Burn Boot Camp workout was a doozy! For some reason, BBC skipped traditional leg strength workouts for two weeks so I was more than ready for a lower body challenge by the time Wednesday rolled around. To complete the workout, we got into groups of 6 and the first person was the counter. Once person one finished 50 pick-ups, the whole group rotated. After everyone completed one full round of each exercise, we headed outside to complete weighted walking lunges up a hill. Phew!

Thursday: Strength Training Together Class

strength training together

I had plans  to meet up with my friend Jess for a Strength Training Together workout at the gym on Thursday morning. The class is similar to BodyPump in that it works a specific muscle group for the duration of one song before moving onto the next, so I just took it a little easier on the tracks that targeted my glutes, hamstrings and quads since I worked my legs the day before. This wasn’t hard to do because one of the songs didn’t require any weights for legs and was more of a bodyweight leg track so it wasn’t as challenging as usual. I’m really enjoying Strength Training Together classes and have been trying to incorporate at least one into my weekly workouts when timing works out well. The class is so different than boot camp workouts or the circuits I put together for myself and I love the variety it adds to my workouts.

Friday: Total Body Circuit

Burn Boot Camp Total Body Workout

I had a bit of a fail and didn’t look at the BBC programming before I showed up at the gym on Friday. After a total body strength workout on Thursday, another total body strength workout wasn’t ideal for me on Friday but it was quite different than Thursday’s workout and my body didn’t feel too fatigued, so I stayed and just modified a couple of the exercises. To complete the workout we spent two minutes on each of the six exercises in the circuit before completing another round. It wasn’t my favorite workout – truthfully I don’t like it when we have to do a single exercise for more than 60-90 seconds because I get bored and burned out – but it felt good to sweat first thing in the morning and begin my day on an active note. The finisher of this workout included 100 V-Ups. Abs on fiiiire!

Saturday: Incline Walking Workout 



Treadmill Incline Walking Workout

After a rather strength-heavy week of workouts, I just wanted to walk it out on the treadmill on Saturday morning, so that’s exactly what I did! I paired a 30-minute incline walking workout with 10 minutes of stretching while I waited for Ryan to finish up his workout on Saturday morning.

Sunday: Rest

Sunday was the definition of a complete rest day. It was chilly and dreary in Charlotte so we spent most of the day inside, cuddled up at home which suited me just fine. Sundays are almost always a rest day around here and yesterday felt like a particularly rejuvenating day away from the gym.

Question of the Day

What did your week of workouts look like last week? What was your favorite workout of the week last week?

The post Week of Workouts: October 2017 appeared first on Peanut Butter Fingers.

from Health & Wellness https://www.pbfingers.com/week-workouts-october-2017/

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